Using Contextual Nudges to Improve Feature Discovery and Adoption
Contextual nudges are a subset of nudges aimed at improving the user experience. Contextual nudges focus on the user’s context to deliver content and functionality that may be helpful for certain scenarios, given the information and preferences related to that context. Contextual Nudges improve the discovery of features, which is essential for product adoption. In some cases, it can enhance the discovery and adoption of new features by making it easier to discover them, even if they still need to be ready for prime time.
Here are some reasons why contextual nudges can be useful for improving product feature discovery and adoption;
Gradual onboarding
The first step in improving adoption is to make people aware of your product. If users don’t know about your product, they will never use it. One way to do this is through gradual onboarding, which is when you gradually expose users to new features of your product. For example, if you have a service that lets people send money to each other, and one of those features is direct deposit, you should gradually let users know about this feature over time. You can do this by showing them a list of all the features on your website or by emailing them directly about the feature.
A contextual nudge is only successful if it leads users to adopt an action or behavior that helps them achieve their goals. Feedback from your users will help you determine whether your nudges are leading them in the right direction. For feedback to be actionable, you need to know what actions and behaviors are being encouraged by your nudges. This can be done through surveys or advanced techniques such as A/B testing.
Clarity and simplicity
Clarity is essential for any nudging, whether it’s a contextual nudge or something else. A contextual nudge must be precise enough that it doesn’t require an additional explanation from the user. If your goal is to increase engagement with your app and you want users to find features more quickly, then making sure that these features are easy to see is an essential step toward achieving that goal. Similarly, if you want users to adopt a specific part or behavior, ensuring that this feature or behavior is easy to find will help ensure that they do so.
Personalization option
The contextual nudges can also be used to personalize your audience’s feature discovery and adoption process. For example, if you are selling an app for food delivery in an urban area, you should prompt users with a different prompt depending on their location. However, if you are selling an app for food delivery in a metropolitan area and it has been delivered by someone who has lived there before, then you could use the contextual nudge to personalize the experience even further by offering recommendations based on past experiences with that person or store.
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A contextual nudge is a tool that can be used in any learning experience to promote the discovery of new functionality. This small touchpoint has the potential to impact customer satisfaction and customer success significantly. Future posts will cover additional ways you can use context to better serve your customers and other design methods for promoting the adoption of new functionality. The above information will help you use contextual nudges to improve feature discoverability and adoption.
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