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Need for Cloud Management Platforms

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The cloud is a potent instrument that businesses can use to cut expenses and boost productivity. But given the huge range of cloud platforms available, it’s also a difficult challenge to overcome. Your complete infrastructure may be managed by using a cloud management platform, which also ensures that it is safe and effective.

Managing infrastructure

Cloud management platforms are a key technology for managing infrastructure. Enterprises face many challenges in managing their infrastructure and IT resources, including:

  • How to manage multiple cloud providers?
  • How to migrate from one cloud platform to another?
  • How to manage the performance of applications across multiple clouds?

Application Performance Management

Applications are monitored and managed using APM software. You can use the program to monitor apps that are hosted both on-premises and in the cloud, and it will help you make sure that your users are having the greatest experience possible with your app. APM software enables you to:

  • Real-time monitoring of service level agreements (SLAs).
  • Determine problems and fix them before they impact end customers.
  • Faster problem-solving through thorough diagnostics.

IT Service Management

The process of managing IT services to suit business needs is referred to as IT service management. It is a crucial component of IT Operations and entails organizing, putting into place, running, and maintaining IT services.

There are many reasons why this has evolved into a crucial role, including:

  • With numerous divisions and business units reliant on information technology, businesses today are more complex than ever. Better monitoring and control over their service delivery procedures are now required as a result of this.
  • Because they cannot afford full-time workers who can handle all facets of service management, many firms have outsourced their IT operations to third-party providers.

Automation and Orchestration

IT departments must develop new methods of automation as they lose the ability to manually set up and deploy infrastructure. Platforms for cloud management offer this automation. Managing applications, which may be deployed in minutes as opposed to months, requires automation as well. Without repeating the same steps, automation enables you to quickly spin up many instances or clones of your application.

If you have an application with similar adjustable settings across multiple instances, this is extremely helpful (such as a web server or database). By delivering programs following particular policies and configurations that are specified by the user, such as using a specific operating system or software stack, orchestration extends this idea. Because all of the systems were created from the start using the same blueprint (or similar blueprints), the final effect is speedier deployment and greater consistency among systems executing similar workloads.

Governance and Compliance

Enterprises must implement cloud governance and compliance to adhere to legal requirements. It’s a crucial component of enterprise governance, and automation and orchestration may help you get there. By giving you a mechanism to set up your cloud workloads in a way that will comply with regulatory standards, cloud management tools aid with compliance.

Cloud Agnostic

  • Cloud management platforms support multiple cloud environments.
  • Cloud management platforms are designed to be cloud agnostic and can support multiple clouds from different vendors, as well as those from the same vendor. Cloud managers need to make sure that their choice of a CMP supports the cloud environment in which they want to deploy applications. For example, if you are deploying your application on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and also want to use Microsoft Azure for testing purposes, then you need a CMP that supports both AWS and Microsoft Azure.
  • There are cloud cost management platforms which give enterprises the tools they need to oversee the whole lifecycle of their cloud infrastructure including the costs.
  • Enterprises are provided with the tools they require by cloud management platforms (CMPs) to manage every stage of the lifecycle of their cloud infrastructure, from development to maintenance. You may manage your cloud infrastructure with the use of CMPs, a collection of tools. They offer transparency into the activities taking on any specific application and service provider (ASP). This enables you to keep tabs on usage and costs in real time so you can decide which services to utilize or whether you can cut costs by reducing them.

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It has been demonstrated how cloud management tools assist businesses in managing their cloud infrastructure. They enable businesses to govern all of their cloud resources from a single location by automating a variety of functions. These solutions make it simple for users to automate procedures to ensure that their data is secure at all times and monitor the performance of their apps across numerous clouds. Additionally, because they are cloud agnostic, they let businesses use a variety of technologies without worrying about compatibility difficulties.

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